1) Infertiltiy is defined as the inability to concieve even after 12 month of unprotected sexual intercourse
2) In 1994, infertility was 1 in 16 couples. In 2014, it is 1 in 6 couples
3) Both male and female factors are considered equally responsible for an infertile couples condition.
4) Both overweight & underweight affects infertility.
5) Vitamins also plays part in infertility. in India, vitamin D and Vitamin B12 deficiency is very common as high as 50-60% tested population
6) Excessive use of alcohol, caffine should be avoided.
7) Avoid adverse lifestyle which includes exposure to enviornmental chemicals, paint, polish, petrol fumes
8) Smoking in case of male factors causes low sperm count, abnormal fertilising sperm ability, nicotine is extremely toxic to sperm motility and imapairs fertility to a significant extent.
9) Even passive smoking can cause infertility in women, can cause recurrent miscarriages and also low birth weight babies.
10) Stress is also associated with impaired fertility and will reduce the pregnancy rate