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Indian Patients Testimonials

Nikita and Abhishek

Our boyz were born on 11th Feb.. a day that gave us mixed emotions akin to a sunny sky on a stormy weather day.
We were least expecting them to come so early. I don't even remember looking at my babies as I cried endlessly...
Our journey was never easy. Today as I celebrate my kids 3rd month birthday, I recollect all the battles we faced towards becoming parents. Our support along with our family was our other family, Dr. Jatin Shah's clinic.
If it hadn't been for them, we'd have given up long ago. After so many failures, the clinic led us to the last key that opened the door . I remember this one day when I wanted to stop trying and doctor messaged me that he wouldn't just allow me to give up so easily. "We shall fight this together" he'd said. I always trusted him blindly. Dr. Jatin is off course the best ART doctor and also an amazing human being. Not only did he lead me in my darkest hour but also supported us during the pregnancy and the kids' long stay at the NICU. He always made sure my kids were in the best post natal care and safe home. One of my babies suffered in the womb and stayed in the NICU for 2+ months. Doctor always took his updates..
His entire team is supportive and like family to me. Dr. Aparna is an amazing doctor who always counselled me well. Mala was always a big support and made sure I was okay and my cycles went well. The nurses and staff are awesome too. The nurse's pricks never hurt you, they're that well trained.
Doctor Jatin has been like a pillar. I cannot count the number of times he counselled and consoled me. He gave me strength and courage and a reason to live. He gave me my beautiful babies. He's like God to us. Well almost

Naimish and Priyal

Dear Dr. Jatin,

As Priyal has already mentioned to you, w shave been blessed with two lovely baby girls. I have always dreamt for years that someday I will be penning a letter thanking some doctor who finally helped bring happiness in my and my wife's lives. And here I am today doing exactly that. We would be more than happy for this to be shared on your site :-).

It has been one hell of a journey for us till now lasting 15 years. Like anyone, we first tried naturally but when that didn't work out, we explored various paths. We have tried everything that one can think of which could included modern medicine (various IUIs and IVFs), Ayurveda, spiritual, faith and what-not. Our journey has also traversed a lot geographically from London (including the best IVF clinics in the world) to all over India (right from Chandigarh in North to Kerala in the South and everything in between) but little did we know that success would finally meet us in our original hometown, Bombay.

Life took us a full circle and it was Dr Jatin Shah who helped us to beget two lovely twin girls. Having been through many IVFs, we had become what some may say "seasoned players" and hence we did our homework before deciding on Dr. Shah. We met number of different IVF specialist but what convinced us to plump for him were a few reasons:
1) Directness and transparency: After being (rightly) coddled by various doctors, we found Dr Jatin's honest transparent approach refreshing and exactly something we were looking for. We really liked his no-nonsense approach and found it very appealing.
2) Confidence: Dr Shah exudes supreme confidence and rightly so given his huge amount of experience and that makes a significant difference in IVF treatment where there are few absolute rights and wrongs. It allows you to place yourself in his hands and let him lead you ahead.
3) Personal attention: While Dr Shah has a team of doctors to help him, each and every IVF treatment is done by him and he personally meets his patients in every meeting. I can't imagine how he manages to do this given the number of patients he has but he does do it and that was something which gave us lot of confidence because at the end of the day, IVF is as much an art as science (otherwise all IVFs would be successful) and hence I want it to be done by that named doctor on whose reputation I have gone to that clinic.
4) "After-sales" customer service: As we went through the process, we realised that Dr Jatin was always there to help us even when his part of the work was done. We would frequently email him asking for guidance as the babies started growing inside the tummy and he would always respond back (and immediately within a day!).
5) Excellent team: Last but not the least, Dr Jatin has an excellent team of doctors and other specialists who are always there to assist you and guide you on each step of the way. In our case, it was Dr Aparna who was super helpful.

We are extremely grateful to God for giving us these bundles of joy and nominating Dr Shah to do His work.

I know this is a bit long, especially for a busy person like you but wanted to express our thoughts to you and others who would be interested in walking down the same road as us.

Thank you very much for everything, Dr Jatin.

Kindest regards,

Naimish and Priyal

Panchalee and Kunal

Dear Dr,
Got the 7 week sonography done and am attaching the report .
We heard the heartbeat during scan and the feeling was out of the world!!
We owe this experience to you and your fantastic team. Thank you so much for all your support and guidance .
We would like to send a special thank you note to Dr .Aparna and Mala.
Dr Aparna has been extremely approachable and supportive throughout and I know I can reach her anytime . Last week I panicked a bit due to the random spotting but after speaking to her I felt much positive and could relax.
And Mala has been an excellent support and guide. Considering this was our first time through the procedure , she has been with us at each step. Right from making us comfortable about the procedure to following up on the progress , we are touched by all the concern she has shown and positivity she bring along .
Keeping our fingers crossed for everything to go smooth from here on.
Will keep you posted .
Thanks with Regards,
Panchalee and Kunal

Poonam and Mahim

Hello Dr J Shah,
We are so happy to share with you that we got B HCG test done yesterday and it came 667mIU/ml. My ET was done on April 7th and test was scheduled on 21st April, but we couldn't wait. PFA report and HPT image.
Seems like all your bets on the blastocyst have won! Heartiest thank you for getting us to this stage. This day came in our lives only by God grace, Parent's blessing and your EXPERTISE. If all go well, we will soon meet you with baby(ies) !! :)
We are now continuing with all medications as prescribed and also looking for a gynaecologist here in Bhopal.Please let us know if there are any other recommendations for us.
No words can actually express our heartfelt gratitude to you. You have been a God sent angel to us!
Best Regards,
Poonam and Mahim

Pavana Shetty

Dear Dr Jatin
Did my first beta yesterday 13dpo transfer and its positive. Words fall short for us to express our gratitude towards you. We were waiting for this day for so long and this would have never happened without you. We will be indebted towards you throughout our life.
Our sincere thanks to Dr Aparna who was extremely kind, helpful and always by my side solving my queries and concerns any time of the day. She has this warmth and was very soft spoken which brings you so much at ease.
Thanks to your entire team for their ever smiling and positive attitude and we never felt we were visiting a hospital.

Seeking your blessings doctor and hoping all goes fine and everything works out well from here.
We pray that God bless you immensely and you continue to be a angel in disguise for all women like me.
Many Thanks

Nagesh & Neelam

Hi Dr Jatin,
Words cannot describe the feeling Nagesh and myself were blessed with a baby boy on 26/08 via C-section.
Nagesh and I like to thank you and your entire team for this wonderful gift and specially the lady who made this possible ... I hope she gets all the things she she ever wishes for. If you can pass on my heart felt thanks to her.
Baby is doing fine ..had some breathing problem initially now the infections is under control after a 5- day course of antibiotics.
Thanks a ton.

Rakhi and Vilas patil

Dear Dr Jatin Shah
Hi this is Rakhi and Vilas patil
With great pleasure to let you know that we are blessed with a cute baby girl princess on 24/06/2016 12:30 afternoon at Nagpur both mummy and baby are in good health
Let me have this opportunity to express my gratitude to you Doctor Jatin Shah Thank you for entire staff for helping to bring this life time of happiness into our lives Thanks
Rakhi n Vilas Patil

Reekisha Parikh

Hello Doctor,
This is Reekisha Parikh, thank you so much for your help and support, I have to share news that I am blessed with twin baby boys on 04/09/2016.
They kids arrived 13weeks prior, currently in Surya child care NICU.
The another important things is for your one more patient Shweta Desai. She's diagnosed with uncontrolled BP.
Thank you


Dear Dr,
Hope all is well. I am delighted to inform you that Shashi and I have been blessed with a baby girl, Falak on 4 March 2016. We all are doing fine.
Shashi and I would like to thank you for all your support and treatment to be able to have a complete family.
Thanks a lot.
Kind regards


Dear Dr Jatin,
Hope you are doing well !
I am extremely pleased & happy to announce arrival of our baby daughter on Nov 6, 2015. Both of us would like to thank you, Dr Aparna and entire staff at your clinic for making the IVF treatment as easy as possible. We visited several clinics in Pune & Mumbai & we are so glad that we decided to pursue the treatment with you. We are so blessed that the treatment worked in the first cycle. We thank you for it.
I would like to thank you personally during my next trip to Mumbai.
I highly recommend your name to all our couple friends who are looking at infertility treatments.
Thank you once again,
Best Regards,
Thank you Dr.Jatin

Kartik & Hetal

Dear Dr. Shah,
We wanted to share good news with you.
She’s a precious little angel sent from above, wrapped in pink and surrounded by love. We are thrilled to announce the birth of our beautiful daughter born on January 6, 2016 at 11.30 pm. ET date was 16.5.15
We thank you and your entire team for the care and support extended to us when we visited your clinic.
Proud parents, Kartik&Hetal

Dr Shruti

Hello sir,
With your efforts and treatment we were blessed with a healthy boy..he is now 3 mthsold..we named him Avyan..We are in Delhi at present..My husband is a cardiologist in G B Pant Hospital..
Now professionally I am fit to work and I am in process of starting my own infertility centre in Raipur..

Dr ShrutiSthapak

Dr.Geeta and Sagar Sheth

Respected Sir,
We have great pleasure to inform you that we are blessed with lovely twin daughters on the auspicious day of Ram Navami.
1st baby weigh 2 kgs and 2nd baby weigh 1.8 kgs...both are healthy and doing well...
We have no words to convey our gratitude to you for bringing such joy in our lives....we pray god bestows his blessings on you always....
Warm Regards,

Dr.Geeta and SagarSheth

Jyoti and Nitish chordia

By the grace of God Jyoti has delivered twin daughters. I along with Jyoti thank you very much from bottom of my heart. May god give you fame and good luck. I wish you great future.
With warm regards and thanking once again
Jyoti and Nitishchordia

Simmy and Neelank

Dear Doctor,
With God's grace and your efforts we have been blessed with Baby Boy on 19th Nov 2015. Both mother and Baby are doing fine.
We thank you for help and care without which we would never have experienced this happiness.
Thanks n Regards,
Simmy and Neelank

Manish Agarwal

Hello Doctor
I am delighted to inform you that myself and your patient PranaliAgarwal has been blessed with a baby boy.
It was a great experience to get your and team service and support to help us conceive.
Thanking you for all your expert services.
Thanks & Regards
Manish Agarwal

Dharmendra & Rina Panchal

Dear Dr.Jatin Shah & Team,
We are extremely happy to share this very good news with you that we are blessed with a baby boy on 30th Jan 2015 after we went through your IVF treatment. We are really thankful to you and your entire team for making it possible for us.
We will surely be visiting you soon with our new born to share our happiness and joy with you and your entire team.
Thanks a ton for all the support provided to us during the treatment.
Thanks and Best Regards,

Rohit & Surabhi Kapoor

Dear Dr.Jatin Shah,
It gives me great pleasure to share this good news with you that we Mr.Rohit&Mrs.SurabhiKapoor are blessed with a baby boy on 17th Aug 2015! We have named him AyaanshKapoor.
Though he was a pre-term baby and the journey was tough, had its ups & downs, we are glad that we were able to overcome all the difficulties with the help & guidance from you & your entire team!
He is our precious baby and we thank you and your entire team for our bundle of joy!

Dr Santushti vijay

Dear Sir,

I am delighted to inform you that by grace of almighty God and sincere care & medical efforts of you & your team, I am blessed with twin baby boys on 11.06.2016.

Thanks a lot sir .
Our best wishes will always be with you and your team for what you have done for us.

Supriya Nandgaonkar

Dear Dr. Jatin,

I have not seen a Santa Clause, but you are a real Santa Clause for me. Last year on the same day (Christmas Day) you did my Embryo transfer. & as a result today I am blessed with two adorable sons. This is the best Christmas gift anybody can ever receive.

As a single woman without a partner, you and your team always gave me emotional support which was much needed while going through the treatment. You promised me that you will get me the best donors’ sperms & the most desirable baby. & today when I look at my babies, I fall short of words to thank you. There was a time when I lost hope of conceiving & was on the verge of giving up. That time you personally called me up and gave me the confidence. This gesture of yours helped me to stay positive & win the battle.

This IVF treatment not only gave me my babies but also blessed me with the Gem Of Friends like you, Nina & your entire team.

Last but not the least, they say God could not be everywhere, so he created Mothers. I say God could not be everywhere, so he created Dr. Jatin. Me and my parents thank you from the bottom of our heart & pray for your long & healthy life to spread happiness in the life of many more families.

Amit Khanna

Me and my wife visited Dr.Jatin Shah clinic around Dec-14'. After 2 failed IVF and nearly 12 IUI we decided to seek help from expert.

After reading about Dr.Jatin online, honestly i was worried on financial part, since the person treated S.Khan, however once i met him and his team my worry disappeared.

Let me tell you something, Me and my wife were trying since 6-7 years. We tried everything from Medical to religious help. Finally faith got us to Dr.Jatin.

When i first came to his clinic, I was impressed by the credentials the man has, it speaks about how updated he is and how well connected he is in his field.
We met Dr.Jatin (one on one) and he was very frank about the procedure which i liked the most.
My wife was impressed by the way he did the scan (it was less than a minute). I was also impressed by the confidence with which Dr.Jatin talks. You can sense that you are in Good Hands. So we started off with the procedure of IVF, it didn't clicked the first time and honestly we never left Hope and so didn't the Doctor. Second time it clicked and I cannot express how happy we were. I didn't mentioned but at time to treatment we were married for 10.5 years.

Let's talk about his wonderful team.
Dr Mala helped us a lot in terms of guidance, Motivation and Finance. She was one key motivator to my wife and despite being busy (I can understand), she always used to help my wife with her questions on call or what's app.
Dr.Aparna has also been lovely and she guided us with all the medications and also helped us in alternative to those painful injections. Even she has been available on call and what's app for us.
Both Dr.Aparna and Dr.Mala has been so polite, helping and sweet to talk to my wife that my wife never felt like we are visiting a clinic. It was always pleasure to see smiling faces on the counter, nurses, ward boys and all doctors. I think one of Key success factor is his "TEAM". Apart from the Magic of what Dr.Jatin does, it's the team which gives it a closure and memorable experience.

Me and Wife believe a lot in Dr.Jatin Shah. We call him as "Miracle Worker", not because we had failed IVF/IUI or we had baby post 10 years. It's his Attitude towards this field and confidence on himself and his work. A person with such confidence and Positive attitude has to be called "MIRACLE WORKER". All I ask everyone is to TRUST him completely. Things can only work if you have FAITH and Trust. We Did and we got our Results.
One more thing about Dr.Jatin is he is approachable. With so many patients and honestly 80% might be complicated cases Dr has a smiling face all the time and never says NO to meet a patient.

I can go on and on praising him and his team :-)
Thanks a TON Sir. We have named our Son "Dhruv Khanna". Post 40 days we would come and visit you with him. Please find his Picture attached.


Thanks and Regards,

Amit Khanna


Dear All,

Let me have this opportunity to express my gestures towards my creators (Mom, Dad, God & Dr. Jatin) where my parents prayers meets destiny & they have invented me as "Bundle of Joy". Really It's nice feeling as i have spread wide bundle of joy all over. The Day is remember as D-Day 20:12:2013 when i had released / revealed with movie "Dhoom- 3". Actually, It's Dhoom all over. My birth date is also consists of entire calender year i.e. 2012 - 2013.

'Thank You' - this word is not enough hence i have described Dr. Jatin in following manner.

J - 'Joy' Creator
A - Advanced Intelligence
T - Techno savvy
I - Infrastructure Excellence
N - Never Ending Best Efforts

Also would like to appreciate associate Dr. staff (Alpa, Mala & Vidhi) who had given their valuable suggestions to my parents when i am in Uterus.
Thanks a ton especially to Dr. Alpa Shah who had answered almost all queries of my parents. Hats Off to Dr. Alpa for your valuable assistance.

Once again thanks a ton to 'Mumbai Fertility Clinic" from all of us.
Wishing you all very happy prosperous new year!!!


Ummesalma n Shabbir Mithaiwala

Hello DR Jatin Shah, Dr Vidhi n team ,

We are glad to announce the arrival of our twins on 1/10/2014. We are blessed with a boy n girl!! Apologies for informing you so late as I m still in the hospital n have high chances of preeclampsia . We have named our babies Ayaan n Aaliyah !!!

Myself, my husband n my entire family would like to say a BIG THANK YOU to you n your team for making our family a complete one n bestowing us with this beautiful blessing.??

It was one of the smoothest experience dealing with you and everyone at the clinic. Keep up the good work!!

Thanking you once again n Good luck !!

Warm Regards
Ummesalma n Shabbir Mithaiwala

Puneet & Rekha Dedhia

Dr. Jatin Shah
I & Rekha Dedhia are very much thankfull for your help to make this successful.
We are very much glad to announce you,
Four little hands, Four little feet. Now our family is delightfully complete. We are proud to announce the arrival of our two little darlings.. a baby girl n a baby boy...
?? on 22 - 04 - 15
Thank you once again....
Puneet & Rekha Dedhia

Nishtha n Sharad Jain

Dear Dr. Shah,


I am extremely happy to inform you that I have been blessed with my bundle of joy, my baby girl, on 9th Feb'2015.
Words however big n fancy will fall short to thank u enough. U are a Magician, a Creator, in true sense of it. U created life inside me that today breathes in my arms.
Just when I had lost all hopes n had given up on all possibilities, u suggested another attempt, n thank god I heard u....
The journey was difficult, but when I hold my little one in my arms, I forget all pains, all troubles...
Thank u Doc for giving me the most precious gem of my life.
Many many thanks to your ever supporting team, who treated me so warmly n with utmost care at all times, be it personally or over the phone, special thanks to Mala, n Dr. Aparna, n Shweta. Please do convey.

Indebted to u for life,

Nishtha n Sharad Jain

Urvi & Himanshu

Hi Dr. Jatin,
I'm sure you are aware that we are blessed with a baby girl ??. We have named her as Sieaara. Pet name as Sya. Thanks to you Dr. Jatin & all co. doctors and all clinic staff.
All our best wishes to Kamala Polyclinic.
You have helped us bring our dream come to real life.
Warm Regards,
Sieaara, Urvi & Himanshu.

Arpit Lodaya

Hi Sir,
Would like to inform your kind good self that we are blessed with twin baby boys. The babies were born on 10th jan 2016 . Premature at 33 weeks .
They were kept in Nicu for 11 days .Both are doing fine .
Thank you
Arpit Lodaya

Shilpa Shirin choudhari

Dear DR Jatin very Good morning ,

I am happy to share you that God has blessed us with his elegant gift - our beautiful twins.
We are elated parents
and boundlessly happy to announce their arrival on 9th April 2015.
Both Babies and Mom are fine. They are delivered by Dr Mitul Parikh at Parehk Maternity Home , Borivali East.
I would like to inform you that Dr was so supportive and has repeatedly keep us motivating and guiding,

Pls find the attached snap of the babies.


Shilpa Shirin choudhari

Nisha Bordoloi and Rana Pratap Bordoloi

A word of gratitude

Dear Dr. Jatin Shah,

Finally after 15 years of waiting for parenthood ,(uncountable IUIs and 7 failed IVFs), first with hope and expectancy and finally with dejection, you came into our lives as our God and erased all our sufferings by putting into our expectant arms a really beautiful baby girl, an angel who brought all the joy of the world we had been missing for so long. Then we thought that nature will now have pity on us and bring another child into our world. But once again we were disappointed as I couldn't conceive naturally. And this time round we could turn to you with full confidence that you will give us what nature deprived from us and once again you became our benevolent God...On 6th of July, 2014 we had undergone IVF and on 21st of Feb, 2015 another beautiful girl entered our world and made it complete. No words can describe aptly the gratitude we revere you with. So, instead, I can just wish you happiness and a long fruitful life. Thank You so much.

I would also like to thank your team, specially, Mala Shah and Dr. Aparna for the kindness they have treated us with during the whole process.

Am attaching the photos of both of my beloved and beautiful girls.
Hope these photos find place in your notice board in the patient's waiting area. :-)

With lots and lots of thanks and best wishes for your future endeavours.

Nisha Bordoloi and Rana Pratap Bordoloi

Guwahati, Assam

The first one is my 3.5 year daughter, Spriha, who you brought into my life after a long long wait of 15 years.
The second and the third one is of my second angel, Darsha, another gift from you.
Thanks for everything.

Amit Khanna

Me and my wife visited Dr.Jatin Shah clinic around Dec-14'. After 2 failed IVF and nearly 12 IUI we decided to seek help from expert.

After reading about Dr.Jatin online, honestly i was worried on financial part, since the person treated S.Khan, however once i met him and his team my worry disappeared.

Let me tell you something, Me and my wife were trying since 6-7 years. We tried everything from Medical to religious help. Finally faith got us to Dr.Jatin.

When i first came to his clinic, I was impressed by the credentials the man has, it speaks about how updated he is and how well connected he is in his field.
We met Dr.Jatin (one on one) and he was very frank about the procedure which i liked the most.
My wife was impressed by the way he did the scan (it was less than a minute). I was also impressed by the confidence with which Dr.Jatin talks. You can sense that you are in Good Hands. So we started off with the procedure of IVF, it didn't clicked the first time and honestly we never left Hope and so didn't the Doctor. Second time it clicked and I cannot express how happy we were. I didn't mentioned but at time to treatment we were married for 10.5 years.

Let's talk about his wonderful team.
Dr Mala helped us a lot in terms of guidance, Motivation and Finance. She was one key motivator to my wife and despite being busy (I can understand), she always used to help my wife with her questions on call or what's app.
Dr.Aparna has also been lovely and she guided us with all the medications and also helped us in alternative to those painful injections. Even she has been available on call and what's app for us.
Both Dr.Aparna and Dr.Mala has been so polite, helping and sweet to talk to my wife that my wife never felt like we are visiting a clinic. It was always pleasure to see smiling faces on the counter, nurses, ward boys and all doctors. I think one of Key success factor is his "TEAM". Apart from the Magic of what Dr.Jatin does, it's the team which gives it a closure and memorable experience.

Me and Wife believe a lot in Dr.Jatin Shah. We call him as "Miracle Worker", not because we had failed IVF/IUI or we had baby post 10 years. It's his Attitude towards this field and confidence on himself and his work. A person with such confidence and Positive attitude has to be called "MIRACLE WORKER". All I ask everyone is to TRUST him completely. Things can only work if you have FAITH and Trust. We Did and we got our Results.
One more thing about Dr.Jatin is he is approachable. With so many patients and honestly 80% might be complicated cases Dr has a smiling face all the time and never says NO to meet a patient.

I can go on and on praising him and his team :-)
Thanks a TON Sir. We have named our Son "Dhruv Khanna". Post 40 days we would come and visit you with him. Please find his Picture attached.


Thanks and Regards,

Amit Khanna

Parag & Sangeeta

What I and Sangeeta feel for you can not be expressed in words. It is something which will remain with us throughout our lives.

Sheela And Moni

We would like to inform you the happiest news in our life - Arrival of a baby boy at 10:51 A.M. on 22nd June 2003 ...

Sejal Bharat Jain

I want to thank you heartly for your great help for us. People believed in god but they have not seen god but I have seen god in you...

Ravichandra & Ranjani

This is to inform you that we the parents of Pavithra, residing in Mumbai feel proud to be so after 4 years of childlessness. We heartfully thank you so much for the IUI treatement...

Atul Pandya & Veena Pandya

Yes sir, you have done miracle in oue life. god has chosen you to do Miracles in the life of many peoples like us.

Mr. Patel

Thank you very much for making a colourful life of us. Sir with the help of your treatment (ICSI) we got two beautiful baby (one boy, one girl)...


Mukesh And Jyoti Prasad


I write this to express my heart to felt gratitude for bringing light to otherwise gloomy life of my son...

IVF Twins

Pankaj Goel

We have been blessed with a daughter on 4th Dec 2001. I along with my wife join to convey my heartiest gratitude to you and all team of your hospital...

Madhukar & Varsha Gite

Respected sir, This is to inform you that you can not imagine how colourful life i m enjoying now...

Karishma (First IVF Patient)

Hello I am Karishma. Do you know me? I am your patients daughter. I am 8 years old...

Ranashankar Rai (D.S.P Bihar)

Dr. Padma

Trust this letter finds you in the best of health and spirit. My son will be completing 3 years by 1st March...

Avani & Malay Damania

It is said that all bad things come to an end one day. For us also this came true and while we would like to Thank God for his magnificent and most precious gift received from him by us.

Anita Solanki

Alpa Himansu

We have been blessed with little doll "VAARIDHI" on the wonder day of 8th April 2003. All We can say is you and your team members will always be remembered forever.

Neelam Singh

I am not sure if you still remember us. Last year during September i came with my husband Manoj Singh to you in wish of getting second child. My first child is already 8+ years and we were trying hard but could not succeed for normal conception or IUI etc.

Alpa Shah

Alpa N. Shah delivered a baby girl on 26th Feb 2003 at 4:50 P.M. by operation at Surat

Krupa & Ravi Iyer

We take this opportunity to thank you and the entire staff for helping to bring this life time of happiness into our lives

Jaspal Preet Malhotra

Dear Dr. Jatin...... By the God's grace n ur kind support we are blessed by a cute baby girl on 14th of dec. Our whole family was waitin for dis day since a long time and thanfully the IVF treatment done by you made it possible. We heartily thank u once again to bring dis wonderful day in our life. Thnx n Regards Jaspal Preet Malhotra Raipur (Chhattisgarh)

Suresh Parmar

Dr. Jatin Shah Sir, I am father in law of Urvashi Vishal Parmar, My name is Suresh Parmar from Dahisar, Mumbai. We all are very thankful to you for kind treatment to my daughter Urvashi Parmar You have given report also that Urvashi is pregnant and that also twins. You are our GOD, for our full family. She has completed 9 years of marriage life and after your best treatment we have recieved sweet result from you. We have no words to express our joy. Uptil now we have done lots of treatment but wall was in vain Sir You are really our GOD. God fulfill your wished immediately, that is a prayer from our heart and all our family members. We are extremely happy after we recieved positive report from you. Thanks a lot Sir, Your Sincerely, Suresh Parmar

Arwa Ali Asgar

Dear Dr.Jatin Shah, Congratulations!!! We are Very Happy to Inform you that By The Blessings & Grace of Almighty ALLAH & by the Art Manship of your Doctory we are blessed with a Baby Girl. Dear Dr.Jatin Shah, We thank u v much & all ur Assistant Doctors & staff for their kind support & care throughout the period of pregnancy. Warm regards, Arwa Ali Asgar Chennai.

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